Member-only story
How to Ride the Side Hustle Rollercoaster
On embracing imperfections and finding balance
Picture this: You wake up early and start your day off right. You diligently manage your time and make every minute count.
But, as the day progresses, you suddenly find yourself at its end. You realize the time slipped through your fingers faster than blinked your eyes.
As you pause to reflect, you say to yourself: Oh wait, I did have lots of time, but I also had a family. Mystery solved!
Anyone who is a parent knows how hard it is to navigate the challenges of balancing family and personal pursuits.
Time spent with family can be an exhilarating joyful experience… except when you’re trying to get your side hustle off the ground, and children are constantly vying for your time and attention.
They’re masters at thwarting every effort you make to get you to the finish line. Whether you’re staring at an unfinished to-do list, falling behind on tasks, or postponing writing your book.
Embrace imperfections
If you’re a parent, give yourself room for error. Because there will never be a day when everything goes according to plan. There will be many days when you’ll fall through the cracks. But it’s not your fault…